It won't take long to feel at ease each week as you enter the challenge. I will share a little secret with you....a good story almost always increases your chances of being featured!
For this layout, here is what I wrote for my description:
Color Scheme: All five colors used
Evidence: Stripes, music accents, string/fiber
Testimony: Use a song title or lyrics as part of your journaling. I chose Brown Eyed Girl performed and written by Sir Van Morrison. This song is iconic rock and roll from the sixties and because my daughter has brown eyes, I wanted to journal about her eyes. Here is my journaling:
Brown Eyed Girl
by Van Morrison
Standin' in the sunlight laughing
Hididn' behind a rainbow's wall
Slippin and a slidin'
All along the waterfall
They say, "the eyes are a window to the soul", and I agree. Your eyes reflect the happiness in your soul, Elizabeth. You sparkle and shine in every way, my "Brown Eyed Girl"!